Welcome to the new redesigned and rebranded Tecknicolor website!
This site has been down FOR YEARS, and I just never seemed to be able to get it back up and running. This was due, in part, to the fact that I didn’t really know what this brand was anymore.
A lot has happened, to say the least, to me, to my business, to the world, for better and for worse. One of the better things was that I finally started to figure out what I wanted Tecknicolor to be. For a long time, I struggled with the identity of the brand because it had been so many things and a lot of them have changed and evolved. Tecknicolor started with sneakers, and I’d been trying to pull away from that for quite a while. I thought that in order to be a design and marketing brand I needed to look like one. Separating myself from sneakers would allow people to take the brand seriously (I don’t know who wasn’t taking it seriously, but that’s what I thought).
During the years of my extended hiatus I’d gone over several different brand concepts trying to re-present Tecknicolor in some new more appealing way. But none of those ideas, redesigns, or plans ever really felt right, creating the cycle of inaction.
It’s interesting how I can talk to a client about their brand and after several questions know how to help them. I’ll know how to design it, how to create the messaging that speaks to their audience, and how to market it. But when it comes to my own business I overthink, question everything, and paralyze myself… Smh
This past year, during lock down, I got remotivated to tackle the rebranding again. I typically go things alone which is a good quality that can also be a flaw. Alone wasn’t working. So, this time I hired a business coach to help guide me along the way. He didn’t give me ideas about what I was doing or tell me what my brand should be. He provided me with a framework of systems and processes to put the brand through in order to discover what kind of business I wanted. This revealed how I wanted the brand to be presented and how effective it could be when I’m clear about those intentions. It didn’t happen overnight, but I stuck with it, pushed through the challenges and uncertainties, and finally reached a clear vision of what I wanted from my brand.
I discovered that I actually just wanted Tecknicolor to be what it had always been.
What do I mean by that?
Tecknicolor was born from a love for sneakers and design. While it has evolved into different services and offerings, the essence of the brand is based in sneaker culture and that’s not a hindrance, it’s a strength. All the elements that make the multi-billion-dollar sneaker industry and the culture that fuels it a success are the very things that can make any business successful. I have been inadvertently and sometimes directly using sneakers as a blueprint for successful ventures throughout every single project I’ve worked on. I just needed to recognize, embrace, and implement those elements with strategy, intention, and conviction. This allows me to provide clients with the kind of service that will take their brands to the next level.
How do I use sneakers to design your brand into one that is irresistible to your audience? Sign up the newsletter to find out or contact me to start working on your brand today.